Some things can’t be taken back. Especially this time of year, there are more stringent return policies not just on gifts but on harsh words too.
Dad at 9:54pm on 11/21/2010 told me he “was going to give me two puffy eyes”. This was unprovoked and he said it when the two of us were sitting next to each other at the dining room table. I immediately told him to take it back. He wouldn’t. He responded “take it with a grain of salt.” I asked again. I told him he took his with lots of grains of salt. He pours salt onto a lot of foods, a lot less than he used to but he still does.
Saying anything threatening especially around Thanksgiving when the police had to get involved several years ago, this is no laughing matter. I am actually re-traumatized and had flashbacks. Again, he said it when only he and I were in the room. At least, he’s not denying it.
After about 20 minutes, I asked him if he was going to take it back and he played dumb, probably purposely making me replay, aloud, the scenario, that brings him so much joy. He thrives on striking fear in my heart. He said the usual party line: “I was being funny”. I told him he lacked social graces and this wasn’t funny and he knew it. He grumbled something and I asked him again. He said fine, “I’ll take it back”. He is desensitized to violence as he watches horrendous gun fights with horribly foul language.
I am scared to go to bed now and must try to use some more skills, yet. Maybe I’ll breathe and act calmly. This will serve two purposes since it is also practicing opposite to emotion action. Self soothe might be really appropriate right now as well.
Some times, harsh words said can’t be returned. I did not lash out or react and he can’t take the remark back. No returns. This is my form of an exchange.