I started the morning healthfully by engaging in part of self soothe (Self Soothe the Five Senses) by spraying my bedroom with Dragonfruit Febreze.
Those who have known me for a long time, certainly know that I can go absolutely berserk when I lose something. It doesn’t even have to be important. It is just the fact that my intellect is telling me that it is an absolute impossibility for anything besides steam to disappear into thin air. The emotional side of me gets hysterical. Well, today I did it differently (Wise Mind). I didn’t freak out about losing something fairly important and critical – my Dental Coverage of Services document that explains my benefits to which I am entitled. I focused instead on Effectiveness (Effectiveness) – doing what works. So I looked as thoroughly as neatly possible and then instead decided that I am going to call the State Medicaid Dental Association and use Interpersonal Effectiveness (DEAR WOMAN) skills. Stay tuned tomorrow to see how well that works.
I also used Effectiveness when speaking to my grandmother. She has been having a very difficult, and sometimes, impossible, time understanding my speech, especially over the telephone. Due to my medications and residual Bell’s Palsy, especially when I am tired, my speech has been an issue in the past. However, since getting off of some of my medications, my speech has improved drastically and Grandma is still having problems understanding me to the point where I have needed a friend or family member to interpret for us. I focused on Effectiveness by listening to her responses to see if she heard me correctly, talking softer, using different vocabulary, and scheduling an in person visit.
This was also a lesson in Willingness versus Willfulness (Willingness vs. Willfulness). Willingness – Accepting what is and doing what works versus Willfulness – being stubborn and hurt and not calling Grandma at all. I will need to Self-Soothe (Self Soothe the Five Senses) after my visit since my extreme love for her triggers my narcolepsy.
Today, I also used part of IMPROVE (IMPROVE) by “M”eaning in which I wrote six word memoirs as my outlet to a lover’s feud, my feelings and fright over natural disasters, and my attitude of gratitude.
I used the PLEASE (PLEASE) skills of “E”at and “E”xercise by having lunch even though I was not hungry and exercising in moderation not to excess.
What more will tomorrow bring…
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